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 I originally thought this would be fun to do daily but I dont have that kind of time to devote myself to it that much.  But I do have this book-
 Braids and Bows: A Book of Instruction

and I’ve been wanting to play with it with my daughters fine thin hair.  Ya, what a challenge. 😉  So the first one is a simple pull back style. Easy enough, you can see it here:
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 However, I wanted to do something a bit more fun.  So I did the next one-
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*yes, I did try that with my tongue too… cant do it.  Can you?*

So, in the first picture I have my Aussie Leave-in-Condition which helps tremendously with my daughters tangles (she got them from her mama 😦 ) it also helps heavy her hair down some to make it workable.

So first I parted her hair.  I use the comb and match it up with her nose for a straight part (hope her nose isnt crooked)
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(for the record, it is not easy to “hold” a childs head straight, hold a camera, and a comb and see what your doing all at the same time… but we mom’s learn to be multi-task right?)

As you can see… in the process, that straightening became crooked as a young girl got hungrier and restless.

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So I twisted the sides for a wee bit and then..
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My 15 minutes of work, lasted about, oh 15 minutes. LOL. But I did it.  So she’ll be having this hairstyle all week as I practice and practice.